Is 1170 a Good SAT Score?

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If you’ve scored 1170 on the SAT and plan to use your score to apply to colleges, you may be wondering, “Is 1170 a good SAT score?” In this article, I’ll discuss the answer to that question. I’ll cover how 1170 stacks up against overall SAT statistics, whether 1170 may be a good SAT score for your target schools, and more.

Is 1170 a Good SAT Score

Here are the topics we’ll cover:

Let’s begin by seeing how an 1170 SAT score compares with worldwide SAT statistics.

Is 1170 on the SAT Better Than Average?

One question many people have about their SAT scores is, “Is my SAT score better than average?” So, let’s see what the answer is for an 1170 SAT score.

According to the College Board, since the SAT went to having two sections in 2016, the average SAT score has ranged from 1050 to 1068. So, we can say with confidence that 1170 is a better-than-average SAT score.

1170 SAT Score Percentile

An 1170 SAT score was a 71st percentile score in 2022. That statistic means that 1170 is higher than the scores of 71 percent of SAT test-takers. So, 1170 is higher than a great majority of SAT scores.


1170 has been over 100 points higher than the average SAT score in every year since the SAT went to having two sections.

Of course, if you’re planning to use your SAT score to apply to colleges, then what’s really important is whether your score will be high enough for your target schools. So, let’s explore that question.

Is 1170 a Competitive SAT Score?

Whether 1170 is a competitive SAT score for you depends on what colleges you plan to apply to. It may depend also on whether you want to use your SAT score to get a scholarship. So, let’s consider some different scenarios.

What Colleges Can I Get Into With an 1170 SAT Score?

An 1170 SAT score may be high enough for getting into some top 100 private colleges and universities. For instance, it may be high enough for Elon University, whose recent average SAT score was 1256. It also may be sufficient for New Jersey Institute of Technology, whose recent middle 50 percent range was 1190 to 1380. However, 1170 is below average for these schools. So, other parts of your application would have to be strong for you to get into those schools with an 1170 SAT score.

Meanwhile, the average SAT scores at state colleges and universities tend to range from the 1100s to the upper 1200s, though some are under 1100 and others are well above 1300. For example, the middle 50 of percent SAT scores at Penn State range from 1200 to 1400. The middle 50 percent score range at University of Alabama is 1070 to 1370. So, an 1170 SAT score is sufficient for getting into either of those schools and other respected public colleges and universities.

Also, there are many top 200 schools that would be happy to admit an applicant with an 1170 SAT score. So, with an 1170 SAT score, you have a choice of many relatively high-ranking schools.


An 1170 SAT score may be high enough for getting into some top 100 private colleges and universities and is high enough for getting into many state schools and top 200 schools.

Is 1170 a Good SAT Score for More Competitive Schools?

To see whether 1170 is a good SAT score for more competitive schools, let’s consider the SAT score statistics of some top 50 schools. The middle 50 percent range of SAT scores for a recent entering class at Lehigh is 1400 to 1510. For a recent entering class at Georgia Tech, the middle 50 percent was a little wider, at 1370 to 1530. Meanwhile, the middle 50 percent ranges of SAT scores at other top 50 schools are even higher.

Now, it’s true that these schools do accept applicants with SAT scores below the middle 50 percent range. Still, 1170 is significantly lower than the bottom bound of any of the top 50 schools’ middle 50 percent ranges. So, unless there is something particularly strong about another part of your profile, to get into a top 50 school, you’ll need an SAT score higher than 1170.


To get into a top 50 school, it’s likely that you’ll need an SAT score higher than 1170.

How Does 1170 on the SAT Compare With Average SAT Scores of Top Schools?

In recent years, the average SAT score at top 20 colleges has been around 1500. Meanwhile, 1380 could be considered the minimum SAT score you’d want to use to apply to a top school. 

So, if currently your highest SAT score is 1170 and you want to apply to top 20 schools, then your move is to prepare some more, so you can increase your SAT score. To get into a top 20 school, a smart move is to aim for an SAT score of at least 1450.


If you want to get into a top 20 school, you should shoot for an SAT score of at least 1450.

Are There 1170 SAT Score Scholarships?

For most scholarships whose awarding processes include consideration of SAT scores, you need an SAT score of at least 1200 to be eligible. However, there are some scholarships that you can be eligible for with an SAT score of 1170. For instance, the minimum SAT score for eligibility for a Texas State University Achievement scholarship is 1160. (There are other requirements as well.) Another example is the New Mexico Scholars Program, which requires an SAT score of 1140 or higher.


1170 is a high enough SAT score for eligibility for some scholarships, though most require a score of at least 1200.

Let’s now answer some common questions about an 1170 SAT score.

Is 1170 a Good SAT Score for a Junior?

If you took the SAT for the first time as a junior and plan to take the SAT again as a senior, I have good news for you. The College Board reports that two-thirds of students who retake the SAT score higher on their retakes. Also, the average score increase on a retake is around 40 points. So, students who scored 1170 on the SAT as juniors typically score above 1200 on retakes as seniors.

An SAT score above 1200 works for getting into many schools and is high enough for eligibility for numerous scholarships. So, if you scored 1170 as a junior and will retake the SAT, you’re off to a good start.


If you’ve scored 1170 on the SAT as a junior, with a little more preparation, you can expect to score more than 40 points higher on a retake as a senior.

Is 1170 a Good PSAT Score?

The average PSAT score for tenth graders is 920, and the average for eleventh graders is 1010. So, an 1170 PSAT score is significantly above average. Also, for tenth graders, 1170 is an 89th percentile PSAT score, and for eleventh graders, it’s a 77th percentile score. So, we can see that 1170 is a relatively strong PSAT score.

On another note, students typically score 60 points higher on the SAT than on the PSAT, without additional SAT test prep. Also, students who prepare for the SAT on their own or by taking an SAT prep course see even larger increases. For example, on average, students who prepare for the SAT for 20 hours score 115 points higher on the SAT than on the PSAT. So, an 1170 PSAT score is a good starting point for eventually scoring high on the SAT.


If you have scored 1170 on the PSAT, with as little as 20 hours of SAT prep, you are likely to score 1280 or higher on the SAT.

Let’s now wrap up by summarizing what we’ve discussed.

Key Takeaways: Is 1170 a Good SAT Score?

Here is what we’ve seen about an 1170 SAT score.

  • 1170 on the SAT may be sufficient for getting into some top 100 private colleges and universities but is below average for those schools.
  • An 1170 SAT score is sufficient for getting into some relatively high-ranking state schools.
  • 1170 is generally not a high enough SAT score for getting into more competitive schools or top 20 schools.
  • You can be eligible for some scholarships with an SAT score of 1170.

So, if you’ve scored 1170 on the SAT, you can certainly get into a school where you’ll get a good education. If you want to attend a more competitive school, you can consider 1170 a good starting point and prepare more for the SAT, so you can score higher.

What’s Next?

For tips on how to increase your SAT Math score, see our post on how to prepare for SAT Math.

Also, if you’re having trouble getting yourself to study, you can read our post on how to motivate yourself to study for the SAT.

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