Virtually every high school student planning to apply to colleges or universities is aware of the importance the SAT often holds in admissions processes. So, not surprisingly, students often …
If you’re a high school student thinking about applying to top colleges, currently working on your college applications, or gearing up to take the SAT in your junior year, …
You may have heard that it will soon be possible to take the SAT online. It’s true! The SAT will go digital soon, but the Digital SAT won’t become …
If you’ve started thinking about taking the SAT or you’re currently studying for the SAT, you may have heard the term “superscore” and wondered what it meant. Superscoring can …
I frequently speak with students who ask how to complete the math sections of the SAT faster. However, there is no easy and fast response to such a question. …
Even if you’re well prepared for the SAT, there may be times during the test when you will have to guess. There’s no doubt that the answer to the …
Are you brand new to the SAT and wondering, does the SAT have a math section? Or are you familiar with the SAT’s general structure and format but still …
One of the most frequent questions I hear from high school students who are starting their SAT test prep is, “What is a good SAT score?” Part of the …
Just about every high school student about to take the SAT will look for last-minute SAT tips to help ensure that test day goes as smoothly as possible. Look …
Students taking the SAT frequently ask me, “Do I need an SAT error log?” My response is always YES. Of course you need an error log! However, you should …