SAT Math Flashcards: Your Secret SAT Weapon

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Too often, SAT students consider it a waste of time to prepare and use SAT math flashcards as study aids while they are studying for the SAT. This is a short-sighted attitude; flashcards are a phenomenal way to memorize formulas and math concepts! Additionally, they can be used anytime, anywhere. In this blog, we’ll examine the top reasons why SAT students should make and use flashcards. We’ll also look at the best ways to incorporate flashcards into our daily SAT study.

SAT Math Flashcards

Here are the points we’ll cover:

Let’s begin by discussing how flashcards can help you learn and review crucial math concepts.

Reason #1: Flashcards Are Effective for Math Learning and Review

The number of math concepts that you need to recall quickly and accurately on the SAT is huge. As you may already know, a great SAT math score requires that you memorize and learn formulas and concepts. Conveniently, flashcards help us with memorization and quick recall. Students who ask “Are SAT flashcards worth it?” will be happy to learn that flashcards are one of the most effective ways of preparing for the SAT.

If you are reviewing material you have previously learned, using flashcards allows you to ensure that this previous learning is not lost when you have to spend time and energy learning new material. In addition, there is no better way to periodically review newly-learned material than with flashcards.

For example, in Statistics, you’ll need to memorize items such as:

  • Average (arithmetic mean) = Sum / Number
  • The 5-number summary: Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max

In Algebra, you’ll need to know formulas such as:

  • The x-coordinate of the max/min value of a parabola: x = -b / 2a
  • The Zero Products Property: If (x – a)(x – b) = 0 then x = a or x = b

These are just a few examples of the types of math facts and equations you can put on flashcards. Furthermore, you can make arithmetic, algebra, statistics, trigonometry, and geometry flashcards with any formulas you desire!


Flashcards are an excellent tool for committing math facts to memory.

Next, let’s examine the versatility of flashcards as a learning tool.

Reason #2: You Can Personalize Your Flashcards

The beauty of flashcards is that you can tailor them to meet your unique needs. If memorizing formulas is tough for you, then you can put any formula on a flashcard, and you’ll make that painful task of memorizing so much easier!

Or, if there are certain procedures that stymy you, such as the steps in performing factoring by grouping, then you can put a sample problem on the flashcard as an example. As a result, it will stay in your mind better than just reading about it in a textbook. Plus, you’ll review your flashcards often. You’ll encounter that technique every time you open your flashcard deck.

You’ll want to decide if you prefer paper or digital flashcards. Both have advantages, so you might even choose to use both! Additionally, you can color-code your paper flashcards by math category, or you can create 2 decks of cards: those you’ve mastered and those you haven’t. You are limited only by your creativity!

Flashcards are also versatile in how you can study with them. You can use them for independent study, or you can involve friends or family. Have a “flashcard contest” with friends who are also studying for the SAT; the winner gets a prize! In the same fashion, you can ask your family members to create a flashcard challenge, with your favorite dessert as a reward. Activities such as these are a great way to keep up a high level of motivation for your SAT.


Use paper or digital flashcards and personalize them to your unique needs.

Let’s now discuss the practicality of having flashcards available for quick study sessions.

Reason #3: Use Flashcards Anytime, Anywhere

You probably study for the SAT at a desk or table with a computer, study book, and calculator close at hand. You need these items for effective studying. In contrast, with SAT flashcards, you can fit in “quick hit” study sessions whenever and wherever you like. These informal, on-the-go study sessions with your flashcards can add up to literally hours of bonus prep time!

Review your flashcards while you’re on the bus, during lunch or study hall, or while you are waiting for an appointment. Just a few minutes of this type of study can add up to hours of “free” study. Just 20 minutes each day would add up to 7 x 20 = 140 minutes, or 2 hours 20 minutes of bonus study time each week!


Use your flashcards anytime, anywhere, to gain bonus study time!

Next, let’s look at how flashcards can help organize your studying.

Reason #4: Flashcards Help Organize Your SAT Preparation

With SAT flashcards, you can easily keep track of the math formulas and concepts you’ve mastered and those you haven’t. All you have to do is separate your cards into piles marked “mastered” and “not mastered.” As a result, this surefire strategy will keep you organized and on track with your prep.

While you’ll concentrate most of your time and attention on the “not mastered” pile, you’ll want to occasionally review the “mastered” pile to ensure that previous learning hasn’t slipped through the cracks. When you’re flipping through the “mastered” pile, take any cards that you have trouble with back into the “not mastered” pile.


Create two piles for your flashcards — “mastered” and “not mastered” — and devote more time to reviewing the “not mastered” pile.

Next, let’s learn how we can adapt flashcards to our study needs.

Reason #5: Flashcards Can Be Designed to Meet Your Needs

When you begin your SAT studying, it will be obvious that some formulas and concepts will need to be included in your flashcard deck. First, let’s run through an example of a math flashcard.

Math Flashcard Example

The difference of squares is a very basic yet critical formula in Algebra, as follows:

Front of Card:

sat flashcards math example

Back of Card:

example sat flashcards math

Certainly, this flashcard that illustrates the basic formula is helpful, but it is even more useful if it includes a specific problem that you missed during your math practice. For example, suppose you missed the difference of squares question x^100 – y^100, which is a more difficult application of the difference of squares formula. Even though you know the basic formula, you should add this more challenging example problem to your flashcard. Thus, by studying that flashcard, you will review the general formula for the difference of squares plus an especially tricky example question.

Consequently, your updated difference of squares flashcard would now be this:

New Front of Card:

new front of sat flashcards

New Back of Card:

new back of sat flashcards

As a result, you now have a super-effective flashcard because it addresses both the general formula and your specific knowledge gap related to the difference of two squares. The key takeaway is that the more you personalize your flashcards, the more effective they will be in aiding your memory and recall.


Use your flashcards to include specific examples of questions that you have answered incorrectly.

Let’s now focus on how flashcards can be a source of motivation.

Reason #6: Flashcards Can Motivate You

How many times have you spent an hour or two studying only to realize that you recall nearly nothing of the material that you covered? This is an all-too-often occurrence with SAT studying, and you simply cannot afford to do this! Therefore, to engage in useful SAT studying, you need to be an active participant in your prep.

Using SAT flashcards is one way to be an “active learner.” You need to actively recall the back side of the card as soon as you see the front side, so there is essentially no way to be passive when you are reviewing your flashcard deck. To make things even more challenging, change things up from time to time. For instance, don’t always study your flashcards in the same order.

Additionally, try to gamify your studying by seeing how many flashcards you get right in a row. Shuffle the deck and try again! Or see how many your friends or family can get right. Turn your studying into a friendly competition! In fact, you must make every effort to maintain motivation and keep the process engaging because studying for the SAT is a journey. Flashcards are an essential part of that journey.


Create flashcard games to keep your motivation high.

Key Takeaways

Flashcards are an easy, convenient way to review or memorize key formulas and concepts during your SAT math study.

We have provided 6 reasons that SAT flashcards can enhance your learning and your SAT preparation:

  1. Flashcards Are Effective for Math Learning and Review
  2. You Can Personalize Your Flashcards
  3. Use Flashcards Anytime, Anywhere
  4. Flashcards Help Organize Your SAT Preparation
  5. Design Flashcards to Meet Your Needs
  6. Use Your Flashcards for Motivation

What’s Next?

Ready to make some flashcards? These SAT math concepts related to similar triangles are a good place to start.

Next, check out this article on whether vocabulary words are tested on the SAT and whether you should make flashcards for SAT words.

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